Desktop Video Downloader - Privacy policy

Desktop Video Downloader operates the Microsoft Windows App Store at

We take your privacy seriously and provide this privacy policy notice to explain the way your personal information is collected and used.

Collection of Routine Information

We sometimes use data, such as browser data or IP addresses, to improve this site and make it better.

We only collect information that cannot personally identify individual visitors to this app.

This helps us track our app's usage and technical developments, which I need to run it correctly.

Also, the product accesses to your Documents (device "Download folder" and downloaded video and audio files), the app create a folder named "Desktop Video Downloader" where all your downloaded files are stored.

Advertisement and Other Third Parties

Third-party advertisers, for example, they may use tracking technologies such as cookies to serve you advertisements on our app.

The use of third party scripts, such as the ones that collect information about your activity and are used to display advertising, is a common practice.

These sites may have more lenient privacy policies.

Please be aware that the privacy policies of these sites may differ from the one on our app.

Link to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app.


It's important to us that you know how secure your information is.

However, we can't promise your information is 100% safe.

We do everything we can to make sure your personal info stays secure, but unfortunately nothing is always completely protected.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy will remain in effect until September 27, 2022 unless we approve any changes or modifications deemed necessary or desirable to make.

Sometimes we need to make things better for you, so we reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy.

You should regularly check this page.

We always like to keep you in the loop when we change our policy.

To make sure you don't miss out, sign up to receive email updates by entering your email address below.

If you would rather be excluded from these changes, please contact us at

Terms of service

1. Terms

By accessing this app, accessible from, you are agreeing to be bound by these app Terms and Conditions of Use and agree that you are responsible for the agreement with any applicable local laws.
If you disagree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using this app.
The materials contained in this app are protected by copyright and trade mark law.

2. Use License

This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:

3. Disclaimer

All the materials on Desktop Video Downloader’s app are provided "as is".
Desktop Video Downloader makes no warranties, may it be expressed or implied, therefore negates all other warranties.
Furthermore, Desktop Video Downloader does not make any representations concerning the accuracy or reliability of the use of the materials on its app or otherwise relating to such materials or any sites linked to this app.

4. Limitations

Desktop Video Downloader or its suppliers will not be hold accountable for any damages that will arise with the use or inability to use the materials on Desktop Video Downloader’s app.
Even if Desktop Video Downloader or an authorize representative of this app has been notified, orally or written, of the possibility of such damage.
Some jurisdiction does not allow limitations on implied warranties or limitations of liability for incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.

5. Revisions and Errata

The materials appearing on Desktop Video Downloader’s app may include technical, typographical, or photographic errors.
Desktop Video Downloader will not promise that any of the materials in this app are accurate, complete, or current.
Desktop Video Downloader may change the materials contained on its app at any time without notice. Desktop Video Downloader does not make any commitment to update the materials.

6. Links

Desktop Video Downloader has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its app and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site.
The presence of any link does not imply endorsement by Desktop Video Downloader of the site.
The use of any linked app is at the user’s own risk.

7. App Terms of Use Modifications

Desktop Video Downloader may revise these Terms of Use for its app at any time without prior notice.
By using this app, you are agreeing to be bound by the current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

8. Your Privacy

Please read our Privacy Policy.

9. Governing Law


Our app is designed for personal use only, and we do not condone any illegal downloading or distribution of copyrighted content. Please use our app responsibly and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. If you believe that a video available for download on our app infringes your copyright, please Contact us and we will promptly remove the video in question.